The National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature

Message from the Director-General

General Secretary
Kamel Al-Abd Al-Jalil

The National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature devotes its human energies, resources and capabilities to achieve its goals and the lofty goals of its establishment since July 1973, and to be the interface of Kuwait’s civilization and expression of the national identity characterized by Kuwait’s culture, knowledge society and openness since long ago, today in front of the challenges of the era of digital transformation, knowledge economy and creative economy And the attainment of a new Kuwait vision 2035, and the readiness of the strategic plan of the National Council for Culture until 2026. The social and human values ​​in which the Kuwaiti society truly believes and embodies them, as well as in behavior and interaction, carry the culture of acceptance and respect for the other side in thought, opinion and approach as long as this is for the sake of peaceful coexistence, tolerance, cooperation and solidarity that is It builds cultural diversity and pluralism and maintains the reputation and prestige of the State of Kuwait in terms of cultural, literary, artistic and civilizational offerings. The General Secretariat of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature is based on harnessing the human, material, moral and media energies in containing the recipients and integrating them into its programs for reading, theater, music, arts, antiquities, writing, and other levers to spread awareness and enlightenment that guarantee the future of our children, grandchildren and future generations. The National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature contributes to supporting the state’s efforts locally and externally by highlighting the importance of culture in countries ’policies through various products and services in order to win many clients and recipients. It also works to consecrate the characteristics of the Kuwaiti identity, support creativity and infrastructure development, protect Kuwaiti heritage and encourage Investing in cultural tourism, in accordance with the Amiri Decree issued to establish the Council in 1973. Since its inception, the Council has built and supported cultural development to the fullest extent, by surveying the cultural reality and carrying out periodic studies to develop the quality of services provided to culture, arts and national heritage, issuing books, dictionaries, indexes and all documents and paying attention to enhancing understanding and cultural cooperation in the Gulf, Arab and international levels, and adopting the establishment of activities.


The National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters was established in the State of Kuwait vide an Amiri Decree issued on July 17, 1973 which paved the way for the country to assume a central role in the process of Arab intellectual, cultural and artistic development. This task was based on a clear vision that seeks to foster and promote culture and arts and to encourage communicating and connecting with the wider Arab and world cultures.

Currently, NCCAL is an independent body operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Information. It undertakes to provide the appropriate environment for cultural and artistic creativity and to develop cultural activities on a wide scale. The NCCAL enjoys financial and administrative autonomy and shoulders broad cultural responsibilities practically granting it a role which is somewhat similar to that of ministries of culture in many world countries.

The General Secretariat is the executive body responsible for implementing NCCAL’s policies, plans and projects in Kuwait, the Arab world and beyond. The Secretary-General oversees its organs, devises its regulations and manages its technical, administrative and financial affairs. The NCCAL’s Board is chaired by H.E. Minister of Information and includes in its membership representatives of a number of governmental bodies as well as literary, cultural and artistic personalities.

Our History

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    On July 17, on establishing of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters which brought NCCAL to life during the era of the late Shaikh Sabah Al-Salim Al-Sabah, the 12th Amir of the State of Kuwait.

  • history


    Starting with its first historical meeting on 21 January 1974, the NCCAL launched its activities as the first official organization concerned with culture.

  • history


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  • history


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed velit id orci maximus pulvinar et eget felis.

Vision Mission, and Objectives

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