Six sectors belong to the General Secretariat of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature, and under each sector there are specialized departments, and these sectors and their management are as follows: -
He bears many burdens such as supporting and caring for intellectual and cultural creativity. He also works to spread the general culture through the various publications of the Council and bears the responsibility of preserving and documenting the folklore, preserving and documenting the Arab heritage, and the work of this sector is supported by a group of committees such as the committee to support creative publications and authorize literary and artistic devotion, The Committee for Encouragement of Local Books, the Committee for Cultural Agreements, the State Encouragement Award Committee, and the editorial boards of the Council's five publications, and this sector works to carry out its tasks through the following departments: Culture Department, Publishing and Distribution Department, Book Fairs Department , Public Libraries Department , and Al-Arabi Magazine Management .
It is the responsibility of this sector to undertake the tasks of supporting and revitalizing and documenting theatrical work, taking care of the quality of theatrical texts, supervising private theaters, child theater affairs, and theatrical establishments and their management and maintenance, and also supervising theatrical festivals and similar events inside Kuwait, as well as theatrical festivals that represent Kuwait abroad. Supervising the organization of plastic arts exhibitions and reviving the musical arts, and it works to implement its tasks through the following departments: Fine Arts Department, Music and Folklore Department, Theater Department.
It is the agency responsible for implementing the Civil Service Law, issuing administrative decisions regulating work, preparing the council’s budget and following up its implementation according to the financial controls in force, in coordination with the Audit Bureau.
This sector has a prominent role in promoting and consolidating the national spirit and preserving its identity by linking the citizen with the components and features of this history, and its work includes museums, their management and care, and the excavation of antiquities in the lands and islands of the State of Kuwait.
If the library of the Arab Charitable Society, which was established in 1913, is
seen as the first public library in Kuwait, then the opening of the "Al-Ahlia"
library in 1923 ushered in a new era of the relationship between Kuwaiti people,
writers and knowledge that the "central library of the state", which was
in the year 1986, but it was truly the true nucleus of the National Library of
Kuwait, which is today the first intellectual, scientific, cultural and artistic
treasury of the State of Kuwait. On the twenty-ninth of March 1994, the Amiri
was issued to establish the National Library of Kuwait. The issuance of the
came to fulfill the dream that had been haunting Kuwaiti intellectuals for many
years. The decree in its first article has the right to have the library
with the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature. The second article
the decree summarized the library’s goal in (((..
The third article of the decree specified the fields of work of the library in
to achieve its objectives as follows:
The National Library plays a prominent and major role in the arena of thought, culture and literature in Kuwait, through the various services it provides to the reader and researcher, starting with books, references, series and periodicals. Kuwaiti, Arab and international, through the available computer programs to access any required information, in addition to supervising the system of filing artistic works, working to protect intellectual property rights, and ending with the establishment of a national bibliography center. The National Library of Kuwait provides books by purchasing, exchanging and gifting Arab and foreign publications, publications, references and periodicals, and it is a destination for researchers, scholars, specialists and readers in all fields of knowledge.
The Islamic House of Antiquities was inaugurated with the opening of the Kuwait
National Museum on February 23, 1983, based on a contract concluded between the
Ministry of Information and the owner of the Al-Sabah Group in 1983.
With the transfer of the Kuwait National Museum from the Ministry of Information
the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature, a new agreement was
between the owner of the Al-Sabah Archaeological Collection and the President of
National Council for Culture and Literature on 7/17/2000, and based on this
agreement, Administrative Decision 348/2001 was issued on 7/18/2001. With the
formation of the organizational structure of the house (the Islamic Antiquities
Sector) affiliated to the Secretary General of the National Council for Culture,
Arts and Literature. The House of Islamic Antiquities, which is currently
under the umbrella of the Council and affiliated to the Islamic Antiquities
has become a special case as a Kuwaiti cultural artistic ambassador, carrying to
world through the mobile house exhibitions Islamic treasures Emphasizes the
greatness, sophistication and humanity of Islamic civilization.The Al-Sabah
which includes rare Islamic artifacts that belong to Sheikh Nasser Sabah
Al-Sabah, and Sheikha Hessa Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, in the permanent travel of
exhibitions throughout the length and breadth of the world, represents a bright
of cultural work in the State of Kuwait, especially that the treasures and
of antiques The Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyya, which covers more than one era of
history, has carved a remarkable place and presence for itself in international
museums, and has come to be referred to by Lebanon as one of the most important
collections of antiques in the world.
The "Al-Dar" collection exceeded 30,000 masterpieces, covering the historical
from the eighth to the eighteenth century AD and geographically covering an area
that extends from Mughal-Islamic India to Arab and Islamic Andalusia. It also
various Islamic artistic creations. This sector works to carry out its tasks
departments. The following (Department of exhibitions and educational programs -
Department of cultural and scientific resources - Department of archaeological
collections - Department of technical information programs and relations)
The activities of the house are divided into two parts:
Mauris sodales pellentesque finibus. Ut iaculis vestibulum mi ac tempus. Vivamus auctor elit elit. Ut nec ultrices enim. Sed sollicitudin sapien
Mauris sodales pellentesque finibus. Ut iaculis vestibulum mi ac tempus. Vivamus auctor elit elit. Ut nec ultrices enim. Sed sollicitudin sapien